Data Visualization Dashboard for Weather Sensor Data

The Smart Campus Energy Lab is led by Dr. Anthony Kuh, a professor of Electrical Engineering at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. I help support the efforts of the SCEL team by volunteering my support as a software developer on the unified software team.

Our goal is to support efforts in creating new technologies, techniques and products related to sustainability or renewable energy. We are primarily a student-led lab that strives to achieve this by promoting teamwork, communication, and lifelong learning.

I am part of the Software team which focuses on fixing software problems and integrate new solutions. We also innovate new ideas to improve the impact of the lab.

Written in the Django (python) framework the dashboard will interact with the local server set up at the University to display livestreamed weather data collected from Weatherbox nodes on the roof of the engineering building and other buildings around campus. This also includes programming in Python.

You can see more at the SCEL Dashboard.