When working at my internship this past summer, my manager had imparted on me one software engineering idiom that has kept with me. He had just moved over to Amazon one week after I started my internship. The manager that...
There is something about being the last line of defense that shouts strong. The last line of defense needs to be something that can withstand the worst and still be standing. It wouldn’t be a very strong last line of...
It is said that in dancing, the men are to act as the frame to provide a basis for their partner to create. A good leading role will become a sturdy frame for their partner. At the same time, a...
Frameworks can be the worst. Every framework comes with heaps of praise and hundreds of webpages full of documentation, yet the simple beginner user struggles to load content with the tutorial. Programmers for the past decades have looked to find...
When an architect decides to create a house, they leverage their experience and make a framework based on typical designs created in the past. They use features from other designs which make up a basis of their newer designs. Similarly...
Projects have deadlines. Classes have deadlines. That research paper is due on Friday, and your homework is due in two days. In school, everything can be such a rush sometimes. There’s a lot of assignments from every class which can...
Programmers aren’t walking encyclopedias. There will never be a time where we will understand everything about the system we are creating. Sometimes we can get extremely close to understanding a specific system. Some people dedicate so much of their life...
What a mess. Everything is compiling, the linter isn’t complaining, and yet I’m still seeing the problem. Why is the clicking feature’s action happening multiple times instead of once? I had been looking at a problem in React Native for...
What is a goal? Why should we goal set? What is my current trajectory? In high school I had no goals. Well, that is not entirely true. I did have some goals but they were lofty and full of fluff....