UHM Spacebar Web Application

UHM Spacebar is how University of Hawaii at Manoa students can get connected with any RIO/non-RIO club on campus. The application brings together clubs across campus to circulate information to the public. People who are interested in clubs and club owners can create profiles. Users are able to find clubs and filter based on major or interest. Clubs are able to see who is interested and advertise events that are coming up. This makes sure that people understand more ways of getting involved around campus. landing page.

My role on the project was to create new MongoDB collections and incorporate them into different aspects of the website. This involved creating and wiring two pages with a club collection and major collection.

I was also in charge of creating the mock ups for most of the design pages. After I created the mock up pages for the application, it made it easier to code the application together. Also because my mock up designs were selected for the application, I was heavily involved in the UI of the landing page and other forms.

From this application I used software engineering practices such as version control and agile development. By creating issues and making branches that contain work for those issues the team was able to work on most parts of the application in parallel. This improved the quality of the code.

You can see more at the Github.